RCL Systems Blog

RCL Systems has been serving the Bellaire area since 1986, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses

Has Your Business Gone Mobile? Be Sure to Account for These 4 Trends

Mobility is proving to be a major pain point for businesses, especially when it comes to implementing new technology solutions. It’s become crucial to consider how mobility can influence the growth of your business and improve operations, particularly with the cloud gaining ground and mobile devices becoming omnipresent in the workplace. How will your business learn from this influx of mobility?

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Tip of the Week: 3 Bluetooth Gadgets for Enhanced Productivity On Mobile Devices

b2ap3_thumbnail_mobile_device_productivity_400.jpgIf you’ve ever tried to work while out of the office on your smartphone or tablet, you’ll have realized that mobile devices aren’t the optimal productivity machine to get the most quality work done. However, if you take advantage of the proper gadgets, you can take back your productivity and continue to get work done, even under the worst circumstances.

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Tip of the Week: Don’t Be Duped By These 4 Battery Myths

b2ap3_thumbnail_batteries_that_last_400.jpgWhen was the last time you let your phone’s battery die on you? Due to the takeover of mobile technology in the workplace, smartphones have basically become inseparable from their owners, particularly the ever-busy business owner. Despite the imperative role that smartphones have in the workplace, you should know that there are several battery myths that might be holding you back from achieving maximum efficiency with your device.

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7 Signs of Smartphone Addiction: Can You Even Put Your Phone Down?

b2ap3_thumbnail_smartphone_addiction_400.jpgIt's no secret that smartphone owners love their devices. Although, is there ever a point where smartphones become too much of a good thing? If someone can’t seem to live without their device, that’s a pretty clear sign things have gotten out of hand.

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How Windows Tablets Can Enhance Your Business, Part II

b2ap3_thumbnail_windows_tablets_part_2_400.jpgIn part one, we provided an overview of Microsoft’s newest foray into mobile computing and how they’ve finally arrived after years of trying to implement a mobile strategy. In this part, we will provide you with specific technology that your business can potentially employ to utilize Windows-based tablets to improve your organization’s mobility.

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Houston, Texas